Sunday, 17 April 2011

Divafone Clicktocalls free trial credit for phone call, SIP calls and SMS

Click-to-call is a Web-based communication in which a person clicks button, image or text to request an call with another person. These services are very popular to use with Email signatures, blogs & webpages. Today we will discuss about Divafone service which offers click-to-call button/link, international calling SIP and SMS. Clicktocalls is giving 0.50 Euro credit without any credit card information to try the service.

How to get Free trial calling credit Signup is very easy and takes only a minute. Please follow steps below to complete the registration and get 0.50 Euro Trial credit -

STEP 1 :- Goto the website and click on free trial
STEP 2 :- Fill up the signup form with correct email address and other information
STEP 3 :- You will get an email from Divafone which will have you username and password (please check your spam email folder also)
STEP 4 :- Now you need to login in website and click on SMS-P2P on left hand menu and then click on "My phone numbers"
STEP 5 :- Add your mobile number in international format, You will receive a sms with activation code. After entering the code your account will be active.

How to make phone calls using
If you want to setup clicktocall button then click on setup page for instructions.
To use the service directly from PC or mobile phone, configure SIP client with these settings -
Username= (Enter username you got in email)
Password= ((Enter password you got in email)