Ofcourse the accuracy of the convert text is not 100% but most of the time it is close to 100%.The Image formats that are supported by most of the OCR softwares are JPEG,PNG,PDF,BMP,GIFF and TIFF.
In this post I will Give you the names and download links of of 5 Free OCR softwares
The Best Five Free Offline OCR Softwares Are:-
1. FreeOCR :-It is windows platform based software and is compatible with the following versions of windows:-
Windows 2000
Windows 2003
Windows XP 32 bit
Windows Vista (all editions)
Windiws 7 (all)
The software uses Tesseract OCR PDF engine which is realeased by google and is open source.It supports all popular image formats and can convert your documents into .txt or .doc files
Download FreeOCR V.3.0
Visit FreeOCR Website
2. Tesseract:- Tesseract is an open source engine which was developed by HP Labs and is now with google.Currently Tesseract V 3.0 is available for download
Visit Tesseract Website
3. GOCR:- It is a OCR software for linux user’s using red hat aor fedora.The Software is comapatible with All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), Linux, OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms)
Download GOCR
4.OCR Desktop:- OCR Desktop Application is a desktop is a windows compatible software for converting your text into images with high accuracy.Ocr Desktop uses latest technologies to make sure you get the best possible results
Download OCR Desktop
5.Simple OCR:-Simple Ocr is another popular freeware software that is being used by thousand of user’s worldwide.
Download Simple OCR